Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Um, this bit's traditionally about the blogger isn't it? Righto: 25, arts grad (English) whose post-uni career seamlessly segued into the dole office, the bookshop and the local Council. At the latter for 2 1/2 years, until last Friday when I quit to go on holiday ('travelling' seems a bit pretentious), which starts on Thursday with a flight to Bangkok. The (very) rough plan is for a month in Thailand, month in Cambodia, 3 weeks Sydney then down to Melbourne for a 42 degree Christmas and turkey barbecue...

This blog is partly to keep people at home up-to-date without having to resort to the dreaded round-robin (altho i'm sure i'll be sending plenty of them too), partly to remind me that I went... with a few impressions along the way I hope.

All and any comments are welcome although I reserve the right to delete them if they're better than mine :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi dude,

Just thought i'd give you this link, is a hotel in bangkok, even if you don't stay there, it's probably worth checking out if only to eat in the restaurant. i'm sure it's in the guide book so have a read. Is like stepping back in time! http://theatlantahotel.bizland.com/

10:12 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

thanks man! someone else told me about that place too, i'll see if i can check it out. altho having just looked at the website it looks as though i might need a DJ and spats to get in...

12:58 PM  

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