Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Of all the coups in all the towns in all the world...

...I have to walk into theirs. But no matter: no-one's shooting anyone, the tanks are wearing ribbons and the king says it's ok. In fact if I had to walk into a coup anywhere, seems I couldn't have chosen any better than this one. They've certainly had the practice: this is the 21st coup in Thailand in the last 70 years...

That blip (Ok, that heart-stopping, near-trip-cancelling text from my mum informing me of a military coup, martial law and state of emergency all in one go) aside, all continues to progress with reasonable smoothness. Piss-up and partying over the weekend was great, really impressed by the turnout and glad to see everyone one last time this year. Managed to scrape through my driving test yesterday so if I'm feeling heroic I can try to drive from Sydney to Melbourne when I get to Oz; buying maps, pills and potions today for the less than heroic moments. Packing, probable last-minute panic and dinner with mum and dad tomorrow, then the off. We're under starter's orders.


Blogger Katie said...

Adam you passed! You star! Congrats my love, that will make all the difference for you in Oz, but oh ye beware of the Sydney one way system (it is legendary)

9:48 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Really? OK as it'll be my first solo drive perhaps a 12-hour slog on a foreign country's freeway isn't the best of plans; might wait til Melbourne after all. I know, bor-or-ring...

12:58 AM  

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