Friday, December 01, 2006

And the living is easy

Compare and contrast: I'm now being beautifully looked after by my mum's cousin and his family in northern Sydney, being actively encouraged to drink beer (from my stocked-up private fridge), watch the cricket (on one of their 18,000 widescreen sets) or go swimming (in, yep, their backyard pool).....aaah..... sorry to anyone who's found the cock-ups over the last couple of months more diverting than the successes (that includes me) but it doesn't look like there's going to be many more anytime soon. Aside from the evil Delhi Belly (Sydney Syndrome perhaps?) that's been playing havoc with my innards, nice.
I've had a couple of guided tours by the fam round the city, and I must say it's gorgeous: dunno if it's the light (they actually get some here) or a crazed cleaning regime or what, but the whole place just gleams - the people too; I feel very pasty and unwholesome by comparison. Perhaps I should get some sunbathing in, hmm...toodloo for now :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you made it to the Antipodes! Congratulations. Weird, it now feels like you're positively next door...still a 3 hour hop across the Tasman but hope you can make it sometime. (Though you might want to leave it a couple of months; we don't quite seem to have Sydney's weather in December. Snow in the South Island yesterday...)Anyway, enjoy the pampering and talk soon. x

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you jammy bastard! ;)

1:59 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Well it beats falling off a bike :o)

I'll be investigating travel options to NZ soon, hopefully I can find something affordable - perhaps early in the new year if poss? I'll let you know, take care

11:33 AM  

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