Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mad dogs and Englishmen

[A crappy early 90s flick starring the young Liz Hurley if anyone remembers, but anyway]
Have been spending a spectacularly lazy couple of days on Ao Leuk, a beach on the southeastern coast of Ko Tao - quite cut off from the busier west coast, as unless you're Superman or don't have any luggage heavier than about half a kilo you can't get there or back without 4WD taxi - it's a ludicrously rutted path up and down a hill which must be 45 degrees at some parts (yes Mike, obviously the ghetto boy would manage without, in the dark, with hands tied behind his back; I'm talking of mere mortals here).
Stayed in a small resort right on the beach - that's resort in the sense of a few bungalows and a restaurant, nothing more, but gee willikins what a view! Blazing white beach, clear green and blue water, boulders at the edges of the bay seemingly hand-picked, scrubbed and placed for maximum picturesqueness, beautiful lush greenery covering the hills behind us, palm trees, the whole holiday brochure covershoot. Suddenly it all made sense. I'd only slept about 4 hours in the preceding 40 (no matter how knackered I am, or what I take (buggering chemists wouldn't give me Valium, the swine) I still can't seem to sleep in any form of transport) and was feeling rather delicate - half an hour later, splashing about in the green, life was much better. That's despite the plastic bags, crisp packets and other rubbish floating around - you don't see that in the photos, surprisingly, but it's quite a problem on the island. No matter, at least I didn't encounter any floating prophylactics, thank the sweet lord. Spent the next day and a half doing not much more than splashing about (proper swimming is a bit beyond me these days), a bit of snorkelling yesterday afternoon around the rocks (another world suddenly appears full of weird-looking plants and gorgeous iridescent fish of all colours of the rainbow - and b*stard shells with feckin' razor-sharp serrated edges stuck to the rocks, of which my hands and feet are now all too aware), loads of reading (not that I want to give credence to some people's erroneous view of my proclivities but it's all been a bit bachelor-gay: last 2 books were The Line of Beauty and Stephen Fry's The Hippopotamus, both positively chock-full of bumfun... I've wondered if other beach users have wondered about me - probably not, they're French; anyway if you haven't read it, Beauty is great) and a not inconsiderable amount of hammock-lying. Oh, and in the process broiling my back to the colour of well-done lobster, hence the title. After Sun is now a priority.
I do wonder how much good or edification all this is doing me, but am content for now in the sure and certain knowledge that it beats making up planning dossiers - sorry, I mean 'conceiving and giving birth to a planning application', as I understand the new jargon has it; almost makes it sound interesting.
OK off now, getting a catamaran to Ko Phangan in just under an hour, quite possibly to do more of the same. Will keep you posted, TTFN.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sitting in an office overlooking the thames, quite literally sickened by your beautiful surroundings (or are you overcompensating for the fact that you're missing Orpington, mind, body and soul...)

Sara (or bitter of London)

2:50 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Well yeah to be honest the image of pikeys and McD's does haunt my dreams but I'm making do...

Btw thanks for my new CV title: 'A Slacker Version of Genghis Khan', brilliant! Who wouldn't employ him?

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to be of assistance...



9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bastard. Why can't my life be as fun?

I dream that one day I will be able to plan dossiers. Perhaps when I get back from travelling... sigh.

Ao Leuk sounds nice too.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Right on all counts I'm sure - and it would be an extraordinary opinion to consider a member of my own anatomy ugly, surely? Defies sense ;o)
Bromley sounds as thrill-a-minute as ever...

2:22 PM  

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