Monday, October 16, 2006

We Prescribe the Medicine, But Jesus Christ is the Healer

Someone, somewhere, doesn't want me to leave Chiang Mai. I've had another mishap, but more of that later.

Friday finished very pleasantly, thanks in part to the overwhelming feeling of relief I was filled with for the whole evening, and also to the very pretty Chiang Mai girl (my Dad told me about them) I was chatting to. Engineering student at Chiang Mai Uni; her friends were cool too, couple of French dudes. Talked languages and football 'til the wee hours. Woke up late Saturday, found that I still couldn't get any traveller's cheques as the post office doesn't do them (someone gave me a bum steer) and the banks are closed at weekends - the currency booths only do cash. Will finally get them today hopefully. Spent an hour at the Chiang Mai Arts & Culture Museum to satisfy my conscience, had an excellent veggie curry served out of a banana leaf at a nearby restaurant and decided to go and see more Took while I still could. English guy introduced himself, Mike, nice bloke - combination of lad and sensitive soul, used to be both a flautist and captain of his school rugby team; gave up the former, regrets it now. Various others turned up, some nice, one a bit of a twat - had the Keith Richards '80s headband, clearly fancied himself as Keef, v drunk, kept yelling for Hendrix songs. One of those times when it's embarrassing to be English. Think Took's earned the right not to do requests given by boorish drunken d*ckheads, but he was graciousness itself, said 'So you wanna hear Hendrix?', then pulled out of the bag the most explosive, spine-tingling version of 'Purple Haze' you've ever heard (including the original), complete with 10-minute intro and every trick in the book. The guy didn't say much after that, he couldn't, just looked on in awe. Great moment.

Ended up going back with Mike and an English girl to her guesthouse to play Shithead (inevitable! think somewhere in the world at any one time there are always English backpackers playing that game), more drinks, and so to the mishap... I have now seen the inside of a Thai hospital. But no, it's not what you might be thinking, I haven't got the clap - on the way back home managed to fall over and sprain my ankle, which is now about double its normal size and multi-coloured. Sunday it hurt like a b*tch, so got a friendly taxi driver to take me to McCormick hospital. Must say I was bloody impressed by the service - total time between arriving and leaving, having registered, been seen by the doc and supplied with crutches and drugs, about 20 minutes. And all for about 14 quid. Just like home eh? It's the old missionary hospital and the title of this post is what they print on the pill bags, nice touch.

So... once again, I'm gonna be here for a few more days it seems. And no trekking. Ah well, I'll live. Hope you're all doing OK, take (better) care (than me). More soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching you run into the park bench that night i can't say i'm surprised! This is of course coming from another major player in the drunken injuries field. Rest, ice, compression and elevation my friend.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

That was you trying to sabotage me! ;o) Actually I brought that ball with me for some reason, perhaps it's bad luck or something... Anyway, ankle's mending quicker than expected and doesn't really hurt too much at all now so long as I'm careful with it (looks horrible though). Hopefully in another couple of days it'll be strong enough to take the weight of my rucksack and I can finally get out of here! Will probably head south asap now that I've used up an extra week and a half or so's trip time.

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha!
you are a funny fucker Adam!
Do hope you are not whining like a girl and you have actually hurt your ankle! still watch out for muggers seeing you on crutches (red flag to bull).

Think you may have to change one of your flights already! think how cheap thailand is and the adventures!!!

personally cant see all this happening in the westernised australia segment of your travels!

take care mate

11:43 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Cheers mate, I try my best! You want proof I'm not whining? Check it out:

mmm nice (There Keith, you said you wanted me to put up a photo with me in it, never say I don't listen)

Off to the zoo now, yay! :o)

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Does look quite bad... reminds me when i got hit by a car my foot went like that!

How is it feeling ? - do you really need crutches?

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam you've got me clutching at my sides. You are so funny but like alot of peoples this end are saying you'll have some good stories to tell your grandkids haha

Look after yourself mate
Nats :-)

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's grim Adam - fewer close ups please, you've (almost) put me off my chocolate mousse...


2:16 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

OK no more bruise porn I promise... I only ended up using the crutches for a day or so, my ankle's improved a lot and they were more trouble than they were worth - excellent for my Long John Silver impression though, the Thais love it :o)

9:12 AM  

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