Monday, October 02, 2006

Stardom beckons

OK you'll be glad to hear no more disasters, although I still seem to be spending money at quite a rate. Still haven't managed to get up before 4pm so still haven't seen the Grand Palace or any Wats, but I have been shopping... god I sound interesting don't I? Actually in this case the place was worth seeing: MBK (Mahboonkrong, says 'ere) shopping centre, in the new and very space-age, neon-lit part of town, a world away from the Khao San Road area. The shopping centre is absolutely gigantic: kept getting lost (me!) amid all the hundreds of stalls they cram into every level, packed with mobiles - the Thais seem mad on them - and Liverpool shirts - the Reds could be Thailand's second national team, they're so popular here. Am sure my dad will be pleased to hear of the Thais' good taste.

Quite a funny experience yesterday: wandering aimlessly around when I stumbled across the Democracy Monument - built in 1939 to commemorate the introduction of a constitution and end of absolute monarchy (although the king is still revered here: you see his picture everywhere and apparently up country he's still considered a god), 4 massive wings surrounding a golden casket containing a copy of the original constitution (there have been about 17 since - they go with the coups) . I was walking around looking at it when I found myself in the middle of a film set - they were filming an Indian romance, the (highly gorgeous) love interest leaving the hero forlorn at the roadside. They didn't seem to mind gawpers like me hanging around and after a while I got chatting with one of the crew. Rikesh, from Mumbai. Nice chap, making a 'making of' documentary about the film (apparently to be called 'Rubaru'). We talked about cricket and about the film, and he even filmed a bit of me wittering about Bangkok, so who knows? This time next year if you look on the bonus disc of an Indian-market DVD you might just see me... now there's fame for you...

Righto, another beer and then bed I think. Sense has to prevail this time. Night.


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