Friday, September 29, 2006

Show me the ladyboys

OK so i haven't seen any just yet, but bugger me (steady) i'm in Bangkok! Got in a few hours ago, couple of hours' taxi ride from the flash gleaming new airport to Khao San Road (where most of the guesthouses are and where you can see the greatest number of tourists being parted from the greatest amount of their money by wily street vendors of all sorts - my favourite so far is the guy offering to forge you a driver's licence, TEFL qualification, diploma or, why not, a degree, all by the side of the road). Other cities I've got off the plane and it's been like stepping into a blast furnace. This one's a steam bath; the heat doesn't so much hit you as ooze over you 'til you feel laminated in your own sweat (hello ladies), but in a good way... if it does nothing else it gives you a decent excuse to hit the beers ;o)

ok i'm gonna go sweat some more and take some photos, hopefully should be able to upload some for y'all to have a look at in the next day or 2. take it easy all :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurdle 1 completed *few* x

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seen any yet? Remember they look almost exactly like ladies... Check for the Adam's apple...

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ads, well done on making it and not getting arrested/killed/shagged by a ladyboy...(Will I have egg on my face or what if any of those have happened since last post).

You chose the wrong time to go away, the government have announced free drugs for all 25 - 35 year olds and £50k allowance per year for pure fun. Its a Tony Blair parting office gift. Bet you're gutted you left now.

Well now that I feel better about being stuck in the UK, I'll be off. Don't spend all your time in internet cafes...


1:44 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Ladyboy news flash: actually, they're not really that hard to spot. You can see the joins. (Obviously I realise this is tempting fate and I'm setting myself up for a Crying Game moment here). Also, they all seem to congregate on Khao San Road after about 2am, which coincidentally enough is also when dubious-looking tourists in their 60s emerge. How predictable.

1:00 PM  

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