Monday, October 30, 2006


Newsflash: I finally got out of Chiang Mai, no really... Am back in Bangkok now. Flew in last night (I know flying's sort of cheating, but sod it, I'd already done the route once and didn't fancy a smelly 12-hour coach journey back with a bunch of blokes from Bromley), I'd forgotten how much the place smells! It's all I can do to hang onto my yellow curry breakfast (I grant you that may have been asking for trouble). Never mind, I'm out again tonight - getting a 6pm bus and ferry combo to the shimmering south. Ko Tao, supposed to be as beautiful as Samui without quite so many tourists. Hope so.
Said goodbye to Aor last night at the airport; heartstrings tugged, but we both always knew we didn't have long. Summer's lease and all that. My last night in Chiang Mai we went to see the Yee Peng floating lantern ceremony - about 30 minutes' drive out of town: a massive crowd, all with paper lanterns, lit and allowed to float away simultaneously. Within a minute, as the highest lanterns got caught by airstreams, you got a a sort of wheeling effect produced: felt as if we were at the centre of a miniature Milky Way, thousands of tiny dots of light circling us in the black above. Really stunning; Aor's photos came out better than mine, hopefully I'll be able to put them on Ringo. There's a slim chance she might get a position in Melbourne early next year but it's a long shot and we're not assuming anything, so in all likelihood that was that. What we had, brief as it was, was a gift and I'm grateful. But onward, ever onward...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to Samui instead, theres more stuff to do... Might be a bit more crowded but you'll get bored on Koh Tao if you're not diving, coz that's all everyone else will be doing! Although if you're interested in scrambling up a few rocks then follow the signs for Zen Gecko (Koh Tao).
Let us know how it goes...

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Btw you great big polluter you! ;)

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww that lantern night thing sounds wonderful.

Remember that old cliche 'better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.'


9:41 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Well, indeed, on both counts :o)

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Luuuuurrrrrvvve her !

Adam you been gone just other a month! lots of adventures and romances to come yet!

here is an idea - try and leave a mini pearson in every country/ island!

Now that would be an unexpected story!

keep the blog going and you have to go to the full moon party on copangyang (i know spelt completely wrong but you get the idea)

take care as always.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooooooo romantic! Lucky boy.
But you are right, onwards, onwards...

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how's Koh Tao? Found a new lady yet?! ;)

6:31 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

In order: (i) no there isn't much to do here apart from diving, but the beach was beautiful anyway (ii) shurrup! (iii) quite right, I'm glad I met her (iv) er, hmm, I'm not sure the world needs more of me just yet - only under v specific and laboratory-controlled conditions methinks. And I don't really fancy the full-moon party, or my chances of making it out of it alive! (v) Thanks coz :o) (vi) Beautiful, and no!

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't leave mini Pearsons everywhere Ads. I don't think the world is ready for a slacker version of Ghengis Khan - someday in the future 1 in every 200 could trace their lineage back to you. Scary stuff. Humanity would fall apart...

2:44 PM  

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