Thursday, October 19, 2006

[Random Monkey Pun]

Hokay, so... let's see: it'll surprise no one to learn that I'm still in Chiang Mai - but, get this, no disasters recently! Ankle's well on the mend and as a bonus it gives me a new set of colour blotches every morning to marvel at. Although, given recent events, I should probably avoid tempting fate, I've pencilled in Saturday for departure. You listening up there?!
Couple of nights ago I attended what will surely be the most unusual and memorable birthday party I go to for quite some time - I've now seen the inside of another Chiang Mai hospital: I'm doing the rounds, so to speak (sorry). This time there wasn't anything wrong with me - had gone for a drink with the Chiang Mai girl from Friday night when it turned out that a friend of hers, in fact one of the French dudes I'd met then, had been ill with a mystery stomach ailment for four or five days and needed taking to hospital plus general looking-after. Aor (the young lady) asked if I wanted to go along and, not having much else planned, I thought why not? Hospitals are always a laugh after all. Went along with Aor, her sister and French dude's Thai girlfriend and we set ourselves up in his room (the Thai medical system continues to astonish - he got cable tv, dvd player, kitchen facilities, ensuite and, get this, a, best of all, he pushes a button and an attractive young nurse arrives! Might have to look at injuring myself again in the near future). It emerged that it was the girlfriend's birthday, and as she wasn't going to leave him the only option was to get beers, whiskey and snacks from the 7-11 and have our own little party on his balcony: another feature of the room was a superb view of Chiang Mai by night, as if the rest wasn't enough. The staff seemed to have seen it all before; I dare say they have.
Yesterday I went to the zoo which was pretty fun (simple pleasures are the best), quite an impressive collection, inc the bad-assest like tigers (ordinary type plus white Bengals which I hadn't seen before), cougars, crocodiles etc. and the most aaah-inducing like pandas (couldn't quite make myself believe it wasn't a bloke in a suit, they don't look real!). Two slightly rank but amusing moments: firstly, what looked very much like a terrapin gangbang (2 gents on a lady since you ask); secondly, what was indisputably a Rhesus monkey knocking one out - in fact, you might say he was (ready?), quite literally, (brace yourself) spanking the...yep you got it. Absolutely bloody hilarious - sitting on top of a pole, front and centre stage; it was the look on his face that made it: staring into space with a furrowed brow, looked like he was philosophising or brooding on quantum mechanics. Having shared a laugh with the Thai family who were also watching, I beat a hasty retreat before we got the money shot. Did get a couple of photos first though of course, I serve my public.
I'm sure you're all desperate to see them so I'll see if I can sort that out now, take it easy y'all and keep commenting! Love the feedback :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha Adam, you do make me laugh. What a good writer you are! You give me something to aspire to with my blog when I head off...

Loving your adventures, you are really having a time of it!

Thinking of you lots. xxx

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Adam, hearing about 'Took' brought back many
pleasant memories of evenings spent across the Mai
Ping River.
Sounds like fate intervened with you doing a trek,
but, undoubtably, you would have met with some mad
mis-hap with the Hill Tribes. They would probably have
taken a liking to you and kept you for observation.
Life much the same here. I am going for a few days to
County Kerry for my birthday, so that will be the
drinking and Irish music sorted, no change there.Have
also got tickets for Springsteen, Levellers and Pogues
leading up to the festive season- all very rousing.
Anyway, keep safe and keep writing, it's fascinating.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE monkey puns. I am a very happy bunny now at work despite a raging hangover (third Friday in a row with one, I'm really impressing my employers).


2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never mind all that culture crap and sightseeing. Tell us more about the wanking monkey!

4:18 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Um, not sure how much more mileage there is in that one, but here's a pic:

Quick, before Ringo delete it! :o)

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's bloody typical of you Pearson..Bore us to bloody tears with photos that we've all seen before on curry house calenders or of those fat little Idols that you can buy in the £ shop, but when you are lucky enough to get a wanking monkey drop in your lap you chop him after one blog.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Chopping a wanking monkey who's dropped in my lap? Didn't get quite that close. Sorry if you're bored with the other stuff, for all your primate masturbation needs try YouTube. *Cough* I imagine *cough*

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that in your time in the zoo, you're main interests lied with a monkey jacking off and a reptilian gangbang....some things never change.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

You got me, my mind's a sewer. The parrots on bicycles were good too but not quite so compelling as the Rhesus. Like a car crash.

8:25 AM  

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