Sunday, October 29, 2006


Finally, I'm going. Sitting in Chiang Mai Airport (ISO-approved, dontchaknow) departure lounge, about to get a late flight back to the capital (getting into downtown about 1am: 'Hellooooo scammers I'm back! C'mon who wants my money?'.) Flying feels like cheating, but to be honest I've done the route already and a 12-hour coach ride doesn't appeal too much. On from Bangkok to the islands tomorrow with a bit of luck.
Went last night with Aor and some of her chums to see the Yee Peng floating lantern ceremony about 30 mins' drive out of the city: about 50 monks sitting on a raised, lighted dias, chief monk gave a sermon on part of Buddha's life story (no, my Thai isn't that good; Aor told me) then, at his sign, the crowd lit and inflated paper lanterns which they then let float into the night sky in a great glowing mass: beautiful sight, altho I missed the first bit trying to get my godd*mned lantern to inflate (and then trying to make sure it didn't settle on someone's head and get me sued). Moments later the whole sky was lit up with thousands of tiny dots of light, the highest lanterns veering off as they were caught by a higher airstream - looked exactly as if we were at the centre of a miniature galaxy, with a million stars wheeling around us. A nice memory to leave on.
Aor came to the airport say goodbye, tugged the heartstrings but if I hadn't got out soon I don't think I'd have left until I was down to my last baht. Onwards, ever onwards... OK I got a flight to catch, be with you again soon. Take care.


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