Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Duck and cover

Hello, your idling correspondent here again, idling. I have dragged myself sufficiently far from what my Dad would call the seething pit (i.e. bed: he doesn't consider me a victim of diabolical possession) to be able to see Sydney a few more times, which has been nice. Just to reiterate what I was saying before, it's almost eerie: EVERYTHING is brand-spanking new, even the old stuff (the best building restorations I've seen). Not a derelict building in sight (literally, not one). Everything works. Everything looks scrubbed and/or polished. It's a city you can see your face in. And an urban planner's wet dream (mmm, there's a thought). So perfect it almost puts Orpington in the shade.
That said, I did have an enraged bird attack me yesterday in the Botanical Gardens (not a Benny Hill sketch: I mean of the feathered variety). Just dropped out of the air onto the unsuspecting bonce of yours truly, eliciting a (manly) wail of discomfort and a brief but pithy diatribe against its species. I suspect now that this was punishment for failing to exude sufficient bronzed health and confidence within city limits. I need to get rugby shoulders and a shriekingly loud necktie, instanter.
Re. the cricket, thank god I'm living with the only family in Australia who couldn't give a toss. As it is, well, I'd take the piss - let's just hope that by the time I need to get work, which will probably be in a pom-bashing-themed sports bar serving pissed-up pom-bashing Australians, they'll have forgotten all about it. I mean it's not like we went on about it last time is it? Oh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birds..monkeys...what do you DO to wildlife?!
Thanks for the sponsorship by the way, very much appreciated. They're giving us free videos and photos because it's for charity so evidence of me dangling upside down over a cliff trying not to thik about detached retinas and/or spinal injuries will soon be winging its way across the cyberwaves!
Keep enjoying Sydney, take care. x

7:54 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

No problem, to be honest between paying up and dangling upside down over a cliff (sounds like a Godfather movie) I'm just glad I've got a choice! Best of British to you all.

And for the record, IT attacked ME - I'm like some weird anti-St Francis figure or something.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I can just picture it!

Adam you are a walking target for all it would seem. Pilferers, buggerers, ping pongs, moto-taxi drivers, monkeys, birds...

Beware the kiwi bird my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch...

12:35 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Yep my dear, I've taken them all on so you don't have to: the way is cleared :o)

(But do be a doll and give the boys in Phitsanulok my regards if you get a chance...)

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erm, ok...
Or maybe I'll just do the sensible thing and march past, head down - like you should have done!

Great pics btw! I love those ones you've taken in the Zoo. X

9:23 AM  

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