Monday, December 18, 2006

Still here

Hello again, sorry to leave you for such long periods but believe me it hurts me more than it does you - no, really, that much...
So, I'm holed up at my aunt's (she's actually my cousin-once-removed but the few times I've tried that out on people it's got the who's-this-pommie-w*nker look so aunt it is) in southern Sydney, trying to avoid any sports or news channel and doing my best to block out the rampant tribal screams of victorious Aussie cricket fans filling the night air. 3-0, ugh. Only good thing is, it might make it a bit easier for yours truly to get a last-day ticket at the MCG seeing as no-one'll care what happens... Every cloud eh?
Other than watching England's demise from a beer-addled daze on my relative's sofa, I've been spending my last week in Sydney being shown the coast down to Wollongong, and today visiting the Blue Mountains - gorgeous (you might not remember giving it but cheers for the recommendation Gav!), even if strictly speaking they're not actually blue, or mountains. Piffling trivialities. Photos up tomorrow hopefully.
Off again for now; I'll try and be a bit more constant in my affections from now on, my preciouses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that all continues to go swimminly. Christmas approaches and I will feel your absence greatly... :-(

When you off to Melbourne?

I'll be hot on your heels soon! x

12:43 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Tomorrow! Am getting the bus, 12 hours, hope the view's decent... It'll be weird having my first Christmas (for 22 years) outside Knightsbridge, I'll be thinking of you.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you'll be done with Christmas before we are. When we're slurping our vino after dinner and watching Zoe and Leo do there thang, it will be boxing day morning for you! Weird. Have a good slug of beer for me and I'll do likewise! xxx

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some breathtaking views eh, really liked it up in Katoomba actually, amazing views, walks and friendly people.

Well Happy Christmas mate, we'll miss ya at the lbb bash! Get those tickets for the MCG and fingers crossed we can save some face and get a result!

Oh and don't forget to Slip Slap Slop! Merry Christmas!!

12:21 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Slip slap slop?! Is that something cricket-related? Or legal?

Anyway cheers dude and a very merry Christmas to you too :o)

12:57 AM  

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