
The plan was something like this: be in Broome by now, head a few thousand k's down the Western Australian coast to Perth visiting a few parks and sipping a few Margaritas at various beaches along the way. The plan now: hang around Darwin spending every moment I'm permitted with the funky, fresh and gorgeous Miss Tiyan Baker before my visa runs out and I take what surely has to be one of the longest-winded routes from Darwin to Hanoi ever attempted (Darwin-Melbourne-Perth-Kuala Lumpur-Hanoi, 2 days, no sleep). We met on Friday, had half the weekend together, this week she's away mango-picking and I have to endure another five days' frustration until she gets back. Got no money 'til the tax refund (please God) comes through; slowly running out of stuff to do in Darwin that doesn't cost more than I have; the monsoon's started and the mozzies are feasting on Pomflesh (they must think it's Christmas, I'm scratching more than a flea-ridden street mutt); most days are spent in alcoholic contemplation of thunderstorms. Yet, with her to look forward to, I'm happy. So what if it can't go anywhere? As a friend succinctly put it, why would you turn down romance? 'One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name'
My goodness you get infactuated easily! Women are plentiful Adam. You won´t be in Oz again for a long time...
Women might be plentiful but there's only one of her and Western Australia isn't going anywhere :o)
Ok, you're right of course. Ignore my embittered anti-love sneering... ;-)
Ahh...hope all is going well Adam. See I do read your blog, and I was only 2 behind for your info! x
All is forgiven :o)
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