Friday, September 14, 2007

pastures new

Greetings, I'm here at 20 to 1 in a hostel in Launceston, NE Tasmania, sharing the place at this time of night with the overweight hostel cat Fuji and no-one else, waiting for the rugby to come on in 2 1/2 hours (England being slaughtered by South Africa most likely) and reflecting a bit on the last few weeks. The end of Melbourne was a blast, from drinking absinthe on the balcony of a very posh bar in the CBD to a work leaving lunch that almost ended in several fights to a weekend with the boys flying up and down the coast to a 5 1/2 hour karaoke stint with a housemate to the boat oiver on Tuesday night...and well, here I am. Tasmania feels like a different country so far, hard to remember I'm still in Oz. Dunno how long I'm gonna be here but it's feeling good so far.


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