Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Get in!!! As of two days ago I am $3,600 richer; I'll never besmirch the Australian Tax Office again - the last time I got a tax refund at home it took about six months to come through, here it was under two weeks. This, obviously, makes life a bit easier and not only means I shouldn't have to work again in Oz after next month but even opens up the opportunity of an extended stop-off on the way home.
Only problem with that, of course, is deciding where on earth to go: originally I was pretty much sold on on Hong Kong or Shanghai, but after a visit to the STA office I'm not so sure - the guy there described Shanghai as the one destination of his presumably pretty extensive travel career that he no desire to se again, and instead suggested Africa, perhaps stopping off at Johannesburg and returning via Mozambique; as another, cheaper alternative, Vietnam is starting to look attractive; finally, following a recommendation by a guy I met in Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma) intrigues...
Unless life hereafter is the most charmed in history, I will endure far worse problems than this one. It's still a bit of a thorny one though. Will have to decide pretty soon though. Any suggestions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

get in there son!

johannesborg and mozambique?! sounds abit too dodgy if you ask me. go vietnam or malaysia etc.. you are close and its cheap!

you still check your emails? adam21 or something like that - i have it saved on my yahoo so i ll send you a mail soon.

safe lol!

10:57 AM  

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