Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Call me Nostradamus

So, how was it for you? My new year's involved, in decreasing order of importance, beer, margaritas, 13th-floor view of Melbourne, charades, poker and balloons. Not bad, I must say. Even if I was spectacularly crap at charades ('The Castle', anyone?)
So, my predictions for 2007:
1. I will have had 6+ jobs by year's end, all sh*t.
2. England will have its worst year on record for sporting achievement and best for hand-wringing sports journalism.
3. I will fall in love with New Zealand and will semi-seriously consider emmigration a number of times while pissed before ultimately deciding that Bromley's where the heart lies.
4. Within days of my return, Bromley rudeboys will confirm the soundess of my decision with an affectionate mugging and battery.
5. Charlton for the Premiership.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Adam - I had to take today off work to sort yesterday's hangover out properly - tis the joy of the season.

New Zealand is great - I think your predictions may come true (although if your heart really does belong to Bromley I may disown you...). Will email with tips/rambles for NZ fun...


1:36 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Good work! Mine had just about abated by 5pm yesterday, I recommend a dogwalk to clear the head - yes, weird, but it works...

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just about recovered from my night! And acutally talking to you about it on MSN now...
Happy New Year though to your blog!

I'll be setting up mine next month...xxx

3:07 PM  

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