Saturday, February 03, 2007

Gandhi and the Pink Pussies

Now I've got your attention. Not actually a band, sadly, but the above-mentioned were among the cast of characters witnessed in the pub last night. Not even the strangest, either. That would probably be the leatherboys. Or the Smurfs.
In Wellington, NZ, staying with a friend from home; turns out the Rugby 7s tournament is on here at the moment and it's de rigeur to attend wth you and your mates in fancy dress. Or, for that matter, dresses: I haven't seen so many blokes in frocks since 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert'. Not that I fancied informing them of the comparison, they being approximately five times my size and unlikely to bear a perceived slight to their manhood with equanimity. Especially from a Pom. Besides, a lot of them looked simply fabulous and who am I to question?
Curry tonight, exploring tomorrow. More when I have it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you watch all the 7s games?

should of gave the cross dressers loads of grief! if they give you mouth bang them up! singing God save the queen

12:08 PM  
Blogger Pearson said...

Sadly not: people I was with weren't so keen and it was a bit pricey. England did ok though apparently. I reckon the best bit would've been the crowd anyway - one of the groups of spectators we saw were a bunch of blokes dressed as donkeys, complete with donkey-sized appendages on full view, nice!

12:03 PM  

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