Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's ups and downs

Dude, check it out: I'm, like, totally employed or something.
An eventful week: on Monday Rhiannon informed me that her ex who co-owns the house had just announced that he was flying in from Sydney this Saturday and wanted his room back, meaning I was out on my ear; on Tuesday I had interviews with two temp agencies and was offered a job that started yesterday; yesterday, my birthday, was firstly spent stuffing envelopes (get in!) and latterly on the lash with new chums from work; today, in the teeth of sleep deprivation and a hangover, I sorted out a new place to live. Wonder what'll happen tomorrow?

THANK YOU to all the lovely, lovely people who sent birthday wishes - it meant a lot. Had a much nicer day than I'd anticipated, despite the envelope-stuffing (to be described on future CV as 'mail delivery facilitation'; I've been assured of having something slightly more diverting to do soon). And now I'm knackered. Good night, and good luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello mate,

Happy birthday! i'd love to say i remembered, but it is just pure chance i swung on by...although one might say its a psychic link, drawing me towards you from the other side of the world...

anyway, happy 26. being 25 is better.

enjoy the sunshine...


12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stuffing envelopes is ace! Makes your hands dry though.

Happy belated birthday mate x

4:34 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Well done Adam! All falling into place... NOW you can wait for me! x

2:35 AM  

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