Saturday, March 24, 2007

Nihongo wa omoshiroi desu

Hello hello, time seems to be flying these days - the office-work 'hour like a week, week like an hour' theory of relativity appears to apply here just as much as in Bromley... Work is slightly more demanding these days - despite my having managed to cock up the uncockupable by putting 2 letters in one envelope, meaning I was quality-checked on envelope-stuffing for the rest of the day (the shame!), it seems they trust me enough to actually let me switch on the computer in front of me. Now I help to process people's pension payments; don't think I've done anything too catastrophic as yet (fate, you listening?), and they've extended the contract til the end of next month which is very handy moolah-wise. Might say goodbye to Melbourne after that and head on. Or maybe not. Will see at the time I suppose.

Other than that, nothing massively life-changing's happened recently - had a good, and as tradition demands, pretty wasted St Patrick's night, even including bit of R & R with an Irish girl for added authenticity. Fell asleep on the train home last night, quite surprised it hadn't happened until now actually; the $15 I was forced to spend on a taxi home grated a bit, as did the realisation today that I'd left my bag on there containing my shades and hair product, gah! How am I supposed to be irresistible now? Btw if you're wondering, no I don't make a habit of carrying VO5 around with me, even I'm not that gay.

Having a crack at re-learning some Hiragana, the shortened version of the Japanese alphabet, from my landlady; quite fun although dunno what the chances of it sticking for more than a day or two are.
Mm, and that really is about it for the moment. Hope you're all doing well and life is good. Weather's crap today, the rain last night reminded me of Thailand's; the Melburnians talk about the weather almost as much as we do. Better head now while it's dry. TTFN


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